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小城之魅 |第九集 |經典意大利餐廳 ”Edible City” EP9 Antica Trattoria

小城之魅 |第九集 |經典意大利餐廳 ”Edible City” EP9 @Antica.Trattoria


經典意大利餐廳除了有美味的Pizza 外,相信很多澳門的「識飲之人」都知道,他們由店長 Bruno 親自設計的雞尾酒列單除了在味蕾上為客人帶來衝擊,更有不少的故事性,能賦予客人不少想像空間和更深度的討論。 他最近便為1966年澳門發生的「一二三事件」製作了一系列的雞尾酒,每杯雞尾酒用的材料和呈現方式都是跟當時發生的一連串事件有關連和致敬的意味。

Explore Macau’s history via cocktails

The restaurant is celebrated for it’s mouth-watering pizza yet it’s known as a secret garden of the cocktail lovers. The cocktail menu designed by owner Bruno can create an explosion on your taste bud and your imagination.

Recently, Bruno & his team designed 6 cocktails in respect of the 12-3 incident took place in Macau (1966). The ingredient and presentation of the cocktails are determined to pay homage to this historical matter.

🗺: 澳門倫斯泰特大馬路40-46號帝景苑

☎️: 28755102

⏰: 12:00 - 15:30 18:30 - 00:00 (Sun to Thurs) 12:00 - 00:00 (Fri & Sat)


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