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小城之魅|第十四集|常喜 Edible City Ep 14 Café Chéri

以星級廚藝慰藉街坊的胃 For the Local’s Michelin-Starred Cooking

Kevin Law (羅嘉豐) Café Chéri 的負責人及廚師。年紀輕輕的他,在藍帶廚藝學院畢業後,已獲得米芝蓮三星餐廳垂青,生涯看似一帆風順。但他也曾經歷過突然被通知退學,什至曾放棄廚師夢想,改當為一名 Sales。 在第十四集小城之魅中,Chef Kevin 會帶我們走訪街市和他的廚房,大家可以從中了解到 他如何從食材品質和烹飪細節中花心思,令主打「豉油西餐」的常喜,變成今日的 Café Chéri ,一家致力令客人能以休閑的心情和宜人的價錢,去享受高質素食物的餐廳。Kevin 亦會分享如南瓜意大利飯配春雞、脆鱗馬頭魚和辣肉腸海鮮汁煮蟶子等餐廳經典菜式背後的靈感和做法。

Chef-owner of Café Chéri, Kevin Law was a young graduate from Le Cordon Bleu and had cultivated his cooking in a Michelin 3-starred restaurant. Success isn’t as easy as it seems, Kevin was kicked out of University and he was a salesperson before settling down in Cafe Chéri’. In this episode of Edible City, Chef Kevin will bring us to the market and his kitchen. To illustrate how he rebrands his family business from an old-school Macanese restaurant to today’s Café Chéri by the attention to detail, ingredients, and cooking method. Chef Kevin will share his inspiration behind his signature dishes such as “Pumpkin Risotto with Roasted Baby Chicken”, “Crispy Scale Horse Head Fish” and “Razor Clam with Nduja and Seafood Sauce”.

訂座電話:2882 2185 營業時間:11:00 am - 10pm 地址:氹仔巴坡沙總督前地21-21A 號


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